Lexical Normalisation for English Tweets

User generated content (UGC) such as the text in Twitter messages is notoriously varied in content and composition, often containing ungrammatical sentence structures, non-standard words and domain-specific entities. Accuracy declines have been observed in many NLP tasks over UGC data (Gimpel et al. 2011, Liu et al. 2011), motivating the need for methods which normalise the content prior to the application of NLP tools to the data.

This shared task focuses on text normalisation, in aiming to normalise non-standard words in English Twitter messages to their canonical forms. In this, we aim to correct non-standard spellings (e.g., toook for took), expand informal abbreviations (e.g., tmrw for tomorrow), and normalise phonetic substitutions (e.g., 4eva for forever). Part of the motivation for the shared task is that text normalisation has been embraced as a research task by the NLP community, but been limited in scope and suffered from a lack of large-scale datasets. We aim to broaden the scope of the task and enable the development/benchmarking of text normalisation approaches over a much larger dataset than is currently available.


To make the task of text normalisation tractable, this shared task focuses on context-sensitive lexical normalisation of English Twitter messages, under the following constraints:

  1. Non-standard words (NSWs) are normalised to one or more canonical English words based on a pre-defined lexicon. For instance, l o v e should be normalised to love (many-to-one normalisation), tmrw to tomorrow (one-to-one normalisation), and cu to see you (one-to-many normalisation). Additionally, IBM should be left untouched as it is in the lexicon and in its canonical form, and the informal lol should be expanded to laughing out loud.
  2. Non-standard words may be either out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens (e.g., tmrw for tomorrow) or in-vocabulary (IV) tokens (e.g., wit for with in I will come wit you).
  3. Only alphanumeric tokens (e.g., 2, 4eva and tmrw) and apostrophes used in contractions (e.g., yoou've) are considered for normalisation. Tokens including hyphens, single quotes and other types of contractions should be ignored.
  4. Domain specific entities are ignored even if they are in non-standard forms, e.g., #ttyl, @nyc
  5. It is possible for a tweet to have no non-standard tokens but still require normalisation (e.g. our example of wit above), and also for the tweet to require no normalisation whatsoever.
  6. Proper nouns shall be left untouched, even if they are not in the given lexicon (e.g., Twitter).
  7. All normalisations should use American spelling (e.g., tokenize rather than tokenise).
  8. In cases where human annotators have been unable to determine whether a given token is a non-standard word or its normalised (OOV) form, we have chosen to be conservative and leave the token unchanged.

A more detailed set of annotation guidelines is provided here

For your convenience and consistency of evaluation, we have pre-tokenised tweets and provided them in JSON format. The training data file is a JSON list in which each item represents a tweet. A tweet is a JSON dict containing four fields: index (the ID for annotation), tid (tweet ID), input (a list of case-sensitive tokens to be normalised), and output (a list of normalised tokens, in lowercase). The test data for evaluation follows the same format as the training data, but it does NOT have output fields: your task is to automatically predict the output fields. Note that all tokens in the output field for a given tweet should be in lowercase.

A mock-up sample JSON object is provided below, for illustrative purposes. Jst, lol and l o v e are normalised to just, laughing out loud and love, respectively.
{ 'tid': '971011879910802432', 'index': '1064', 'input': [ 'Jst', 'read', 'a', 'tweet', 'lol', 'and', 'l', 'o', 'v', 'e', 'it' ], 'output': [ 'just', 'read', 'a', 'tweet', 'laughing out loud', 'and', 'love', '', '', '', 'it' ] }

For evaluation, we will use the evaluation metrics of Precision, Recall and F1. Two categories of submission will be accepted:

Please submit your results to lexnorm2015@gmail.com as an email attachment. The attachments shall be plain JSON files, named by team and submission category. For instance, for registered team name "demo" competing in both categories, the following two files would be provided as attachments: "demo.cm.json" and "demo.um.json". You may submit multiple times for each category, but your final submission before the deadline will be used for evaluation.


Important Dates

Note: All deadlines are calculated at 11:59PM Pacific Summer Time.



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